Hola AmigosMultiplication in verilog seems an easy task however one must use and appropriate algorithm to save memory, space, RTL complexity, and performance.
You all will find certainly various multipliers including the famous booth multiplier. I followed a different algo since I was having a tough time to understand Booth algo. My multiplication follows the methedology of Vedic Multiplier. Many of my amigos must have heard of it.
Let me explain.
Suppose we have two 8 bit numbers as 16 and 16. Multiplying them would double up the bits as per conventional mathematics thus the result will be 256 in 16 bits.
Hence we will have input as
input [7:0] a,b;
and output as
output reg [7:0]c;
Output can also be a wire but then you will have to use assign keyword. It won't remain under initial block or always block. Hence I have taken it as reg type to be inside always block.
The basic module or better say fundamental module starts with 2bit vedic multiplier.
Taking 2bit case
a = 10 and b = 10 then
Step 1- AND of a[0] with b[0]
Step 2 - Cross AND of a[0] with b[1]
Step 3- Cross AND of a[1] with b[0]
Step 4- Cross AND of b[1] with a[0]
Step 5 - ADD them side by side
Here is the blessing!
Thus similarly for 4bit vedic multiplier
Then we will have to perform
Step 1 - 2bit vedic for a[3:2] and b[3:2] then concat 00 after result totaling 6bits
Step 2 - 2bit vedic for a[1:0] and b[3:2] then concat 00 before result totaling 6 bits
Step 3 - add result of step1 and step2
Step 4 - 2bit vedic for a[3:2] and b[1:0]
Step 5 - 2bit vedic for a[1:0] and b[1:0]
Step 6 - Let result of step6 be q then concat 00 before q[3:2]
Step 7 - add result of step 6 and step 5
Step 9 - add result of step 7 and step 3
The result is x[7:2]
and x[1:0] will be straight q[1:0]
Concating both we have c[7:0] result
Similarly here is the
Code for 8bit Multiplier
module Eight_vedic(a,b,c);
input [7:0] a;
input [7:0] b;
output [15:0] c;
wire [31:0] wir;
wire [11:0] wir2;
wire [11:0] wir3;
wire [11:0] result1;
wire [11:0] result2;
wire wir6;
//assign c = 15'b0;
Four_vedic v1(a[7:4],b[7:4],wir[31:24]);
Four_vedic v2(a[3:0],b[7:4],wir[23:16]);
assign wir2 = {wir[31:24],4'b0};
assign wir3 = {4'b0,wir[23:16]};
//six_bit_add add1(wir2,wir3,1'b0,result1,co);
assign result1 = wir2 + wir3;
Four_vedic v3(a[7:4],b[3:0],wir[15:8]);
Four_vedic v4(a[3:0],b[3:0],wir[7:0]);
//six_bit_add add2({2'b0,wir[7:4]},{4'b0,wir[3:2]},co,result2,wir6);
assign result2 = result1 + {4'b0,wir[15:8]}+{8'b0,wir[7:4]};
assign c[3:0] = wir[3:0];
assign c[15:4] = result2[11:0];
Code for 4bit vedic
module Four_vedic(a,b,c);
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
output [7:0] c;
wire [15:0] wir;
wire [5:0] wir2;
wire [5:0] wir3;
wire [5:0] result1;
wire [5:0] result2;
wire wir6;
Two_vedic v1(a[3:2],b[3:2],wir[15:12]);
Two_vedic v2(a[1:0],b[3:2],wir[11:8]);
assign wir2 = {wir[15:12],2'b0};
assign wir3 = {2'b0,wir[11:8]};
//six_bit_add add1(wir2,wir3,1'b0,result1,co);
assign result1 = wir2 + wir3;
Two_vedic v3(a[3:2],b[1:0],wir[7:4]);
Two_vedic v4(a[1:0],b[1:0],wir[3:0]);
//six_bit_add add2({2'b0,wir[7:4]},{4'b0,wir[3:2]},co,result2,wir6);
assign result2 = result1 + {2'b0,wir[7:4]}+{4'b0,wir[3:2]};
assign c[1:0] = wir[1:0];
assign c[7:2] = result2[5:0];
Code for 2bit vedic
module Two_vedic(a,b,c);
input [1:0] a;
input [1:0] b;
output [3:0] c;
wire [3:0] wir;
assign wir[0] = a[0] & b[0];
assign wir[1] = (a[1]&b[0])^(a[0]&b[1]);
assign wir[2] = (a[0]&b[1])&(a[1]&b[0])^(a[1]&b[1]);
assign wir[3] = (a[0]&b[1])&(a[1]&b[0])&(a[1]&b[1]);
assign c = {wir[3],wir[2],wir[1],wir[0]};
module test();
reg [7:0]a;
reg [7:0]b;
wire [15:0]s;
initial begin
a = 5;
b = 4;
#100 a = 7;
b = 3;
#100 a = 9;
b = 8;
#100 a = 4;
b = 4;
#100 a = 256;
b = 256;
#100 a = 100;
b = 15;
Eight_vedic v(a,b,s);
Remember for 8bit vedic both 4 and 2bit modules must be present in code.
Similarly for 16bit all 8 and 4 and 2 bit will remain in module.
16 bit testbench will call 16bit module which instantiate 8bit which will instantiate 4bit and in continuum 2bit will be instantiated. One cannot skip any module.
EDIT- 16bit vedic will be released with patch 1.0.0
So Long
can you ,please post the explanation for this code in detail?
ReplyDeleteWill surely do so if I get some time.